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Portrait of Johannes Gutenberg, 16th/17th century

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Estimativas: 2 000 - 4 000 EUR
Portrait of Johannes Gutenberg
16th/17th century
Oil on canvas on cardboard
80.5 x 58 cm, with frame 94.5 x 71 cm

Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400–1468) revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge and literature with his invention of the modern printing press using movable metal type. His pioneering technology made possible the mass production of books, most notably the famous Gutenberg Bible of 1455, which is considered one of the most important works in the history of printing. His invention sparked the European media revolution and was largely responsible for the rise of science, education and the Reformation.
The portrait shown here, which dates from the 16th or 17th century, is an idealized representation of the inventor that dates from a time when his reputation as the founder of modern printing was well established. Gutenberg is presented against a dark brown background, which highlights his serious face and magnificent clothing. His name is added at the top of the picture – a typical feature of representative portraits of the time.
He is depicted in three-quarter profile, which lends his appearance a certain dignity and authority. His long, grey beard enhances his wise, scholarly appearance. He wears a fur hat, which emphasizes his status, as well as a striking collar with a rooster crest, which was considered luxurious in the fashion of the time. His dark green jacket with gold clasps stands out elegantly against the neutral background.
In his right hand, he holds what appears to be a scroll – possibly a freshly printed document symbolizing his groundbreaking invention. This detail not only refers to his life's work, but also to the importance of writing and printing as a means of conveying knowledge and promoting progress.
This portrait is not only a testament to the high esteem in which Gutenberg was held in the centuries following his death, but also an artistic attempt to depict him as a visionary inventor and pioneer of modern book culture.

16º Leilão Tiberius
28 Março, 15:00 CET/Vienna
Sessão 1
28 Março, 15:00 CET/Vienna
Preço inicial
1 800 EUR
2 000 - 4 000 EUR
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